OK, guys, can we stop for a second? It occurred to me that our list of kitchen rules posted by the lockers may not be as comprehensive as it should be. No smoking, you guys are doing great on that. Thank you, Carlos, for taking it into the alley. No slap boxing - we're working on that. As a reminder, we need to stop clogging the toilets with mole sauce. We had some laughs with that one but it is a waste and really needs to stop, or at least slow down dramatically.
But before we get started with dinner service I wanted to bring this up: We really need to be careful with the way we use the word botulism. I've heard some people joking about it in the break room, whispering in the dining area, and recently had a customer ask me about it. Which resulted in a comped meal. Not good, guys.
Does anyone know what botulism is, specifically? Miko? Are you raising your _ no? You're just waving at me. Hello, Miko, good to see you. OK, so, no. Well, listen to this. Botulism is a serious illness that causes paralysis and even death. It affects your nerves and respiratory system. Not so funny, huh, guys. So you can see why discussing it with customers in a restaurant would be a truly awful idea.
I can tell by your stares and smiles that you're not convinced. Doug, as sous chef, you're prepping the pork loin. Can you tell these guys the best way to handle raw meat to avoid contamination? Right, I guess you could go faster during the dinner rush if you take all the meat out of the fridge every morning. But that would be dangerous, right? Nod for me, Doug. Let's get a nod to confirm.
OK, well, here are some symptoms that real botulism causes. Dry mouth, drooping eyelids, diarrhea. Looks like some of you might be suffering from drooping eyelids, huh. Ha. Maybe some body paralysis, too, judging by your postures. Just a joke, which real botulism is definitely not. How's that, Miko? Oh. Hello. OK.